========================================================================= Directory aminet/os20/cli ================================================== Bootselector.lha Flexible & easy to use startup selector cd108.lha a replacement for the original cd from commodore CyberCron15.lha Schedule jobs at specific times. dd_v1_0.lha File requester front end to Delete command du10.lha du (disk-usage) for 2.04 only (PD, with source) ESR.lha String requester for scripts by Scott Ellis GetPubName.lha Print out the name of the frontmost public screen GetString100.lha opens a string requester from Shell info111.lha a replacement for commodores info with buffer and filesy LN.lha LN, makelink substitute (C) Denis Gounelle ls132.lha the best replacement for commodores list you've ever see ls_4_7LJR.lha LS 4.7LJR unix style directory lister mkdir13.lha mkdir which can create icons too (2.04 only, PD, with so MmDir.lha Make multiple directories noborder.lha Makes current CLI window borderless Select14.lzh Very useful for shell users: individual selection of wil showdate121.lha a command with many options to place in backticks into t TogglePrt.lha DOS/ARexx scripts to toggle printer driver